Students: Week of Oct. 17, 2022

by Daryl Donovan on October 18, 2022

Hey families, students and friends of Oakwood Student Ministries!

Oakwood Students Ministries (OSM) is going to be awesome this week as we continue to dig into Philippians 2. Below are the questions that will be discussed in the small groups after Jonathan Irish gives the chalk talk.

Worship truly is awesome at OSM! The students love to lift up their voices in praise and worship. We are actually building a worship team of students! Reach out to Adam or Claire Zastrow or Karina Werner if you are interested in serving on the teen worship team. If you are interested in helping with the tech side of worship, contact Tim Whitehead.  

Things are coming together for our Fall Middle School Retreat. Remember, the deadline to sign up is this coming Sunday, Oct. 23. Here are some details about the retreat:

  • We will depart from Oakwood Church at 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 28 and return Sunday to Oakwood Church around noon.
  • Our theme is “Not of This World” focusing on Romans 12. We will have a series of chalk talks, followed by small group discussion on what it means to not be conformed to this world.
  • We will have a ton of fun, including a zip line, rock wall climbing and night games.
  • Worship around the campfire will be extreme!
  • Every student who registers will get a full schedule, including what to bring, prior to the retreat.

 God is working in a very special way among our students. Thanks for praying!

Pastor Daryl


October 19  – Philippians 2:19-30

Theme:  Soldiers For JESUS


1) After reading how Paul writes about Timothy, what can you say about Timothy?  

2) Is there a difference between taking an interest in someone and taking a genuine interest in someone? When you ask a person how he or she is doing, or how their day is going, do you have a genuine interest in that person’s welfare? 

3) Paul describes Epaphroditus as Paul’s brother, fellow worker and fellow soldier, but as the church in Philippi’s messenger and minister to (Paul’s) need. How can a person be all these things at once? Do you wear different hats, or play different roles to different people in your life? Share some with the group. 

4) Why do you think Paul chose to include “Soldier” as a description of Epaphroditus? What armor are we told to wear as soldiers for Christ (Read Ephesians 6:10-20)? 

5) Epaphroditus came close to death for the work of Christ. If you were to sacrifice your own life for the work of Christ, what work would that be?  

6) Epaphroditus was troubled when the church in Philippi heard he was sick. Have you ever tried to hide your own discomfort from others in order to protect them or keep them from worry? What are some of the benefits and some of the drawbacks to keeping secrets? 

7) Paul is in close, loving relationship to both Timothy and Epaphroditus. He was so close to Epaphroditus that he celebrated God’s mercy in restoring him from near death. Share a time when God was merciful to you or a close friend and how this impacted you. 

8) How can you act as a brother or sister to a fellow Christian this week? 


Not only will we have a ton of fun, enjoy great food, and get very little sleep… we will have amazing times of worship, spend quiet times with God, and be challenged by God’s Word! We'll be at Lake Waubesa Bible Camp Oct. 28-30. Learn more and register.

Here's a note from our Sunday volunteer coordinator, Chris Schmidt...
Hello Parents,
This week we will be covering theft in class on Sunday morning. Please see the link here for the notes for Sunday morning. Next week, Robin W. is stepping in again while I am out and she will be finishing up Commandments 9 and 10. When I return in November, we will be doing a few lessons from a video based curriculum called Alpha. In December, we will be going into Christmas.
Thank you all,

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