
Our weekly bulletin + connection point


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Read the latest news, events and announcements in our weekly bulletin below. 

Here's a look at the week ahead... and beyond!

Celebrate the Year
July 28

Celebrate a fantastic year at Oakwood with us! We'll start with a potluck dinner at 5 p.m., followed by the business session. Members are invited to vote on the budget, proposed bylaw changes, and nominated candidates. Check out the details and make plans to join us.

Looking Ahead...

It Won't Be Fun Without You
Now - Aug. 25

We've added new opportunities to donate to or serve during our annual Summer Picnic, which is Aug. 25 at Oakwood. We're looking forward to a morning of worship with, feeding, and enjoying others in our local community. Pray about how you can help and sign up

Paint with Us
July 27

We're sprucing things up at Milwaukee House of Prayer (our Community Partner) by painting trim outside and murals inside. Join us July 27 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Lunch is provided. Details and sign up here.


Missions Update
A and D are praising God for sweet goodbyes as they transition to a new location. Please pray they can stay in touch with their precious friends. Please also pray for new connections and a great community and home that God has chosen for them.

Student Swim Sesh

Come to the Anderson's Sunday, July 21 at 5 p.m. for a cookout and pool party. Sign up here to bring something to share. And bring whatever you need to enjoy a night in the pool.

Garden with HLP

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings throughout the rest of summer, HeartLove Place (our Community Partner) needs help weeding and cleaning up its community garden. Check out the details here.

Bonfire for Ladies

Get to know someone new! Invite a friend or neighbor and join us for a bonfire at Sarah Hayden's house at 7 p.m. on Aug. 13. RSVP here.