care connection

Serving others by serving up a meal


We can demonstrate Jesus' love by providing meals to those in need. Our Care Connection coordinates meals for any person or family that has had a recent birth, serious illness, surgery, hospitalization or death in their family.  

How It Works

We use Meal Train, a service that lists an individual's or family's need and coordinates the schedule for meal deliveries. Our volunteers will post the active Meal Train requests in the Oakwood Church Care Connection Facebook group, so please join the group if you'd like to be a part of our meal ministry. Once you're ready to contribute a meal, click on the Meal Train link, review the meal request specifics (like dietary restrictions), sign up for a date and coordinate a drop off with the individual or family in need.

If You Have a Need

If you or your family could benefit from our meal ministry, simply send us an email and we'll contact you about setting up a Meal Train.

Email Us

Thank You! 

We are so grateful for those of you who have provided meals. Many of you have even needed meals yourself at times! The nourishment and act of care through a meal is a true picture of Jesus' love for us (Mark 10:45) and for one another.