New to Oakwood?
what's happening through oakwood
Read the latest news, events and announcements in our weekly bulletin below.
Read the latest news, events and announcements in our weekly bulletin below.
Oakwood is heading to Israel in 2026. Join Pastor Matthew and Kate as they experience the land where Jesus walked and serve our Global Partner, Tents of Mercy. If you're interested in learning more, come to one of the informational meetings on March 23 at 10:30 or 11:45 a.m.
The DOT is resurfacing Hwy 83 this summer and signs will begin going up soon! Make plans now for how you will travel to Oakwood once lane closures begin. Click here for directions.
God is so good! We're doing a great job paying off our mortgage with the Mortgage Match campaign. Check out the latest totals here. Once our goal is met, we will use additional funding for much-needed capital improvement projects.
Middle and High School students are invited to the Nerf War Friday, April 11 from 6:30 - 9 p.m. Bring a Nerf device if you have one - darts and snacks will be provided. RSVP to attend here.
If you have a child interested in baptism, make plans to join the Gospel and Baptism for Kids class on April 6 at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Caleb will discuss with families how baptism is an expression of the gospel. While this class is ideal for parents and 3rd-5th graders, other ages are welcome. RSVP here.