Jesus is Our Rescuer!
(The Lord’s Supper—Matthew 26:14-35)
Over the next few weeks we are going to be taking kids through Jesus’ last days on earth in age-appropriate ways. We pray this will give you opportunities for conversation about why Jesus came to earth and what His death and resurrection mean for us.
This week we’ll be talking about The Lord’s Supper and the truth that Jesus is Our Rescuer.
Jesus and His disciples were in Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. Passover is a special time each year when Jewish people remember and celebrate how God rescued them from being slaves in Egypt and the final plague—death of the firstborn son.
At the first Passover, God made a covenant (promise) to His people. If they put the blood of a perfect lamb or goat over the doors of their home, the angel of death would “pass over” their home and their firstborn son would be saved.
As Jesus was celebrating with His disciples, He took the bread and drink from the Passover meal and made a new covenant (promise). Jesus said that His body would be broken and His blood would be shed as the perfect Lamb of God to take away the sin of the whole world! (John 1:29) The disciples didn’t understand what Jesus meant at that moment, but they would soon.
Think about it: Though He was God, Jesus gave up heaven, was born as a human being, humbled Himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross to rescue us from our sin! (Philippians 2:6-8) Thank you Jesus for this incredible gift!!
- In Person - Kids - join us this Sunday morning at Oakwood at 9:00 a.m.
- 4 year olds - 1st graders will meet in the Kids Zone (upper level)
- 2nd - 5th graders will meet in the Gathering Place (lower level)
- Facebook Live - Join us online starting at 8:45 a.m. here, or watch it anytime during the week on our Facebook page.
- God... Let's Talk About Him
- Last Supper Snack
- Video: The Story of Easter (The Last Supper)
- Galatians 2:20 Verse Card
- Word Search
- Crossword Puzzle
- Coloring Picture
Learning Packets (complete with materials listed above) can also be made available outside of the church office. Packets should be pre-ordered by 12 p.m on Thursday. They will be available for pick up Friday morning by 8 a.m. Click here to order your packet now!
Be encouraged with this new Galatians 2:20 phone wallpaper. Download it to your phone today!
I pray that our kids will understand and accept Jesus as their rescuer from sin!