Students: Week of Sept. 16, 2024

by Caleb Garnett on September 16, 2024

Here is what is coming up with OSM:
Fall Programming
This Sunday, Sept. 15, student programming takes place during our 9 a.m. service. We will be continuing through “The Thread” series this week with a focus on Jesus crucifixion. You can find a parent letter here for more information.
Wednesday Night Community is from 6:30 – 8 p.m. This is a chance for your student to build relationships with peers and leaders, hear a message from God’s Word, and of course have lots of fun! We are going through a new teaching series titled “Who is God?” We are exploring different aspects of who God is, with a focus on God as our redeemer this week. You can find a parent letter here as well for Wednesday nights.
We are looking for two female volunteers for Wednesday nights to help with the Middle School girls. If you know anyone who you think would be a great fit for that or if that great fit is you, please reach out to me (Caleb). 
Students Who Serve
We want to foster a culture of service among Oakwood Student Ministry. We're encouraging all students to sign up to serve somewhere in Oakwood - whether that's with the worship team, Kids Ministry, The Cafe, or cleaning with our Building and Grounds team. There are sign up cards in the High School Room for students to fill out and return to me or any group leader.
New this year: ANY student who serves in Oakwood can report their time and earn funding toward their trips based on the amount of hours they work. This is a great incentive and we'd love your help getting your student involved at Oakwood. 
Fall Fest
Fall Fest, the Middle School Fall Retreat, will take place Oct. 11-13 at Lake Lundgren Bible Camp. This is for students in grades 6-8. The cost is $50 per student. Registration has been extended, so this is your last chance to register! Please do so by Sept. 20.
You can register your student for the event here. For more information on Lake Lundgren Bible Camp, please see the Fall Fest area of the website here.
While January may seem far off, it’s really not! Districts Youth Conference in Green Bay, WI, is quickly approaching, taking place Jan. 10-12, 2025. This year’s theme is “Come Hear Some Good News.” This event is a fantastic opportunity for our high school students to deepen their faith, worship with their peers, and strengthen their relationships within our community.
Sign-ups will be available soon, so please keep an eye out for more information! The cost is $50 per student. You can also visit the Districts website here.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. We’re looking forward to a transformative experience for all who attend.
Consent Forms
With the new school year underway, it's time to complete new consent forms for your students. We kindly ask that you fill out a form for each student in your family. These forms are essential for the safety and protection of both the church and your student, particularly for off-site events like Fall Fest, Districts, mission trips, and more.
You can find the link to the consent form here.

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