Students: Week of Oct. 7, 2024

by Caleb Garnett on October 07, 2024

No Sunday Programming
This Sunday, Oct. 13, there will be no student programming. There will be one service at 9 a.m. for Community Partnership Day. Encourage your students to attend this service with you to learn more about the wonderful local partners that we have in our community. There may even be opportunities for you to serve together as a family! 
Wednesday Night Community
Wednesday Night Community is from 6:30 – 8 p.m. This is a chance for your student to build relationships with peers and leaders, hear a message from God’s Word, and of course have lots of fun!
We will be continuing in our teaching series titled “Who is God?” Each week, we will be exploring different aspects of who God is. This week, we will be talking about how God as the Son, with an emphasis on Peter's confession in Matthew 16:13-17. You can find a parent letter attached here about this week's study.
High School Parents: Registration for Districts Youth Conference is now open! The cost is $75 per student, covering their registration for the conference. The event is Jan. 10-12, 2025, at the KI Convention Center in Green Bay. 
Find all the details and register here. You can also visit the Districts website here. 
Please register your students as soon as possible to allow ample time for transportation and lodging arrangements. Thank you! We can’t wait to see how God moves in the hearts of these students over the weekend.
Save the Dates
  • Friendsgiving | Nov. 15 | 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
  • Monthly Middle School Gathering at the Feders | Nov. 1 | 6:30 - 8 p.m. (RSVP to Pat or Jeanene Feder)

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