Students: Week of Nov. 7, 2022

by Daryl Donovan on November 07, 2022

Hey OSM Families, 

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching! I am thankful for all of you.

A couple of important items connected to Thanksgiving!

  1. Middle School students are invited to Friendsgiving at the home of Amanda Penebaker on Friday, Nov. 18, at 6 p.m. for dinner and a ton of fun. Go to this link to sign up and let us know what you are bringing.
  2. There will be no Student Ministry gatherings the week of Thanksgiving! We will not meet on Wednesday, Nov. 23. Have a blessed and safe holiday.

We are ready for another exciting week at Oakwood Student Ministries this Wednesday night.

Here are our small group questions as we consider Philippians 4:2-19.

Theme: What are you worried about?

  1. Two women (Euodia and Syntyche) had been arguing. What did Paul tell them to do? Why would it be important for them to make up and be friends again?
  2. Why was joy so important to Paul? He said it more than 10 times! Rejoice!
  3. He told the Philippians to never worry. Do you worry? What do you worry about? Why do you worry?
  4. How can you find peace, and stop worrying?
  5. How do we fix our thoughts on the things that are good?
  6. How do we put into practice the things we have learned from the Bible?
  7. What is one thing you will practice this week? How about trying to create a Thanksgiving Board!



Students will be challenged and equipped to live on mission with God and take the next step in their relationship with God.


See you Wednesday night for another exciting night of exalting Jesus!

Pastor Daryl

Here's a note from our Sunday volunteer coordinator, Chris Schmidt...
Hello Parents,
On Nov. 13, we will be continuing the Alpha Youth Video Series. Here is a link to the user guide. This has information on all of the included lessons. This week we will be going over the first lesson, "Jesus, Who is He?" The user guide walks through a lot of information on this video series. It is a 9-part series, but we will only cover about three before we start talking about Christmas. Below is also a link to the video in YouTube if you would like to watch it.


Chris Schmidt

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