Students: Week of March 10, 2025

by Caleb Garnett on March 10, 2025

This Sunday: The Walls Collapsed
This Sunday, we’re continuing our journey through Scripture and have reached the Book of Joshua. Our focus will be on a well-known story—the collapse of Jericho’s walls. While many students may have heard this story countless times, we trust that God will reveal something new to them this week.
The key takeaway for students is this: the battle and the victory belong to God. Rather than having Israel charge into a bloody battle, God called them to march around the city and trust Him to bring the walls down—just as He promised. This was a victory only God could provide, reminding us that it is always better to rely on Him than to try to win on our own.
As always, the family connection page is here. I encourage you to share these devotions with your students and continue the conversation at home.
Wednesday Night Community: Overboard
This Wednesday, we’re kicking off a brand-new series called Overboard—a four-week journey through the Book of Jonah. After starting the year by exploring the gospel and the importance of evangelism, we’re shifting our focus to someone who did the opposite: Jonah, the prophet who ran from God’s call. Through his story, we’ll discover what we can learn from his mistakes and God’s relentless pursuit.
This week, we’ll dive into Jonah 1, where Jonah tries to escape God’s will. Students will be challenged to reflect on times when they may have run from God’s calling in their own lives. If they find themselves in that place now, they’ll be encouraged to stop running and return to the God who is always waiting with open arms.
Nerf War | Friday, April 11

Get ready for an epic night! On Friday, April 11, from 6:30 - 9 p.m., OSM is hosting a Nerf War. If your student has a Nerf device, they're encouraged to bring it. But if not, no worries: We'll have devices and darts available. Snacks and drinks will be provided, and students are encouraged to bring as many friends as possible. Let's fill the space and make this an unforgettable night. Sign up here.

Middle School Gatherings

The next Monthly Middle School Gathering at the Feder’s is happening this Friday, April 4, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity for our middle school students to build relationships, have fun, and ask great spiritual questions. Food and snacks will be provided. 

Student Leadership Soft Launch


This fall, we’re launching a Student Leadership Team! This team will meet once a month for a study, followed by opportunities for students to serve in the ministry on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.

To prepare for the full launch, we’ll be soft launching the study portion on Sunday, March 16 right after first service, and we’d love for High School students to join us! Their feedback will be invaluable as we shape this leadership opportunity for the fall. I’d love to have your student be part of this—let me know if they’re interested!

Join the Worship Team!

This year, we’ve introduced a time of worship into our Sunday morning gatherings, and we’d love for your students to be involved!

Calling All Singers: Our most pressing need is for singers to help lead worship up front. If your student has a passion or talent for singing, please reach out to me at   . We’d love to have them join the team!

Musicians Welcome: We’re also looking for students who play instruments and want to use their talents to serve God through worship arts.

Thank you for encouraging your student to be part of this meaningful ministry. Together, we can make worship a powerful and impactful experience!

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