Students: Week of Feb. 10, 2025

by Caleb Garnett on February 10, 2025

This Sunday: Repentance Leads to Healing

This Sunday, we’ll continue exploring Israel’s wanderings in the desert. Our main text is Numbers 21:1-9. Again this week, Israel complains against Moses and against God. Because of this, God sends serpents amongst the people to punish them with death. When Israel finally repented, Moses lifted up a pole with a bronze serpent, and anyone who looked at it would be healed.

This whole story is amazing because it ultimately points to Jesus as we see in John 3:14, "Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him." Our students will be encouraged to see that the healing that came in the story of Israel, and the healing that comes from Jesus comes through a repentant heart.

Here is the family connection page. We encourage you to use the discussion questions to spark meaningful conversations with your student at home.

Wednesday Night Community: Life in Six Words

We’re in Week 5 of our six-week series, "Life in Six Words," based on a resource from Dare 2 Share. This series walks students through the gospel using the G.O.S.P.E.L. acronym:

  • G – God created us to be with Him.
  • O – Our sins separate us from God.
  • S – Sin can’t be paid for with good deeds.
  • P – Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.
  • E – Everyone who believes in Him can have eternal life.
  • L – Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.

This week, we’ll focus on how everyone who trusts in Christ alone will be saved. We’ll be diving into Acts 10, taking a look at how the Gentiles were grafted into the promises of Israel. They would have been the last people the Jewish people would have thought could be saved, but God saved them anyway. Students will be challenged to think about the person in their life they think may be “too far gone” for the good news of the gospel, and think about how they can share the good new of Jesus with them this week.

Students will be challenged and equipped to have gospel conversations with their friends and peers. Join us in praying for God to do mighty things in Lake Country through your students this year!

Middle School Gatherings

The next Monthly Middle School Gathering at the Feder’s is happening this Friday, March 7, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity for our middle school students to build relationships, have fun, and ask great spiritual questions. Food and snacks will be provided. 

Student Leadership Soft Launch

Exciting News! This fall, we’re launching a Student Leadership Team! This team will meet once a month for a study, followed by opportunities for students to serve in the ministry on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.

To prepare for the full launch, we’ll be soft launching the study portion on March 7 at our home, and we’d love for High School students to join us! Their feedback will be invaluable as we shape this leadership opportunity for the fall. I’d love to have your student be part of this—let me know if they’re interested!

Join the Worship Team!

This year, we’ve introduced a time of worship into our Sunday morning gatherings, and we’d love for your students to be involved!

Calling All Singers: Our most pressing need is for singers to help lead worship up front. If your student has a passion or talent for singing, please reach out to me at   . We’d love to have them join the team!

Musicians Welcome: We’re also looking for students who play instruments and want to use their talents to serve God through worship arts.

Thank you for encouraging your student to be part of this meaningful ministry. Together, we can make worship a powerful and impactful experience!

Ethnos 360 Missions Night

Join us on March 9 from 6 – 8 p.m. as we welcome a team from Ethnos 360 Bible Institute for a powerful night of worship and teaching!

The team will lead us in praise and share a message about God’s heart for the nations—from Genesis to Revelation. Students will be challenged to consider how they might live missionally, whether in their daily lives or as future missionaries.

There will also be information available for students and parents interested in Ethnos 360 Bible Institute.

Parents are more than welcome to attend! We’d love for you to join us for this inspiring night.

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