Kids: Week of March 17, 2025

March 17, 2025

Wednesday Night Community | 6:30 - 8 p.m.

This Wednesday kids will be reviewing the eight-week Bible Circus series with games and large-group activities. The "big things" kids will be reviewing are that God is trustworthy, faithful, always present, all powerful, and sovereign.

REMINDER: There is no Wednesday Night Community on Wednesday, March 26 for Spring Break.

If you have questions about WNC Kids Ministry, please reach out to Mark Klein.

Sunday Programming | March 23

This week kids will learn a lesson about a not-well-known man in the Bible with a great reminder for us: Achan. Achan disobeyed the command of God, and his punishment was death. We also deserve the punishment of death for our sin. Jesus, God’s sinless Son, was punished in our place for our sin. Those who trust in Him are forever forgiven of their sin.

Super Subs

We are still looking for adults to serve as substitutes in Kids Ministry. If this is something you'd be interested in, please reach out to Caleb ( ) or Sarah Burbey ( ). 

Offering Update

The offering from Kid Ministry will go toward a new classroom for kids in Congo through our Global Partner, Global Fingerprints. Our goal is $390. We chose this number because it's $39/month to sponsor a child at the school! (Learn more about the sponsorship opportunity here.) 

On Sunday, March 16, we collected $8 for a total of $308.97 received toward our goal!

The Gospel and Baptism for Kids

If you have a child interested in baptism, make plans to join the Gospel and Baptism for Kids class on April 6 at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Caleb will discuss with families how baptism is an expression of the gospel. While this class is ideal for parents and 3rd-5th graders, other ages are welcome. RSVP here.

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