Wednesday Night Community | 6:30 - 8 p.m.
This Wednesday kids will be reviewing the eight-week Bible Circus series with games and large-group activities. The "big things" kids will be reviewing are that God is trustworthy, faithful, always present, all powerful, and sovereign.
REMINDER: There is no Wednesday Night Community on Wednesday, March 26 for Spring Break.
If you have questions about WNC Kids Ministry, please reach out to Mark Klein.
Sunday Programming | March 16
God's people could not bring down Jericho's walls in their own power. They trusted God and were victorious. This Sunday, kids will learn we cannot defeat sin and death in our own power. When we trust in Jesus, we are saved from sin and death.
Super Subs
We are in desperate need of adults to serve as substitutes in Kids Ministry. If this is something you'd be interested in, please reach out to Caleb ( ) or Sarah Burbey ( ).
Offering Update
The offering from Kid Ministry will go toward a new classroom for kids in Congo through our Global Partner, Global Fingerprints. Our goal is $390. We chose this number because it's $39/month to sponsor a child at the school! (Learn more about the sponsorship opportunity here.)
On Sunday, March 9, we collected $28.16 for a total of $300.97 received toward our goal!
Save the Date
- Easter Egging | April 6 - 19
- Kids Summer Day Camp | July 23