Kids: Week of July 15, 2024

by Ashley Schmidt on July 15, 2024

Camp Scuba | Registration

Camp is right around the corner, and we don’t want your kids to miss it! The morning preschool session has limited space and is filling up. There is room for your elementary aged camper and their friends too but register quickly to get their preferred specials. 

Register Here

Sunday July 21

This Sunday kids will dig into Revelation 19-20. Jesus promised to come back to earth one day and when He does, He will defeat evil once and for all. Those who trust in Jesus will be with Him and enjoy Him forever. I’d love to see your kids' pictures from the family activity below!

If the topic of end times is sparking an interest in your older kids, I’d recommend the "Left Behind – The Kids" series. It is available in Oakwood’s library and is on Prime-Day sale on Amazon, too. These are fiction chapter books about what life could look like in end times. They are great for sparking questions and encouraging kids to read more in their Bible.

We are continuing our offering project for Royal Family Kids Camp for two more weeks – continue to give and remember to pray, too! 

Upcoming Event

*Help is still needed to make this camp incredible! Email Ashley to learn more.

Joyfully His,

Miss Ashley

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