Kids: Week of Feb. 3, 2025

February 03, 2025

Wednesday Night Community | 6:30 - 8 p.m.

Oops! Last week we got a week ahead and told you about the laughing clown, which is this week! Last week kids learned from The Flying Trapeze which Elijah is taken to heaven in II Kings 2:1-13. Feel free to review with kiddos. And, as a reminder, here's what's on the agenda for this week:

This week at the Bible Circus, kids will learn about the laughing clown. Circus clowns can make us laugh. When Sarah heard God’s promise of a child to her and Abraham, she laughed knowing that they were too old to have a baby. She didn’t believe that God could do such an impossible thing. God gave them a baby just as He promised. He is faithful: always doing what He says He is going to do. Being omnipotent, God was more than able to do what He promised.

If you have questions about WNC Kids Ministry, please reach out to Mark Klein.

Sunday Programming | Feb. 9

Do your kids doubt? Do YOU doubt? So did the Israelites. Just like last week's lesson on grumbling, kids will learn the impact of doubting God through the Israelites' experience. Joshua and Caleb believed the words that God had spoken, and they were eventually allowed to enter the Promised Land. The people who did not believe would die in the wilderness. If we believe the words that God has spoken about Jesus and place our faith in Him, we will be saved from our sin and will enter the new heaven and new earth.

Offering Update

The offering from Kid Ministry will go toward a new classroom for kids in Congo through our Global Partner, Global Fingerprints. Our goal is $390. We chose this number because it's $39/month to sponsor a child at the school! (Learn more about the sponsorship opportunity here.) 

Sunday, Feb. 2, we collected $14.03 for a total of $68.39 received toward our goal!

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