Wednesday Night Community | 6:30 - 8 p.m.
A circus has many activities and events, some that include special skills, even tricks. Sometimes these tricks include fire, such as a person seeming eating fire (flaming sword?). However, fire is dangerous and not something to be played with. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego followed God and disobeyed the king by not worshipping idols. They were put into a fiery furnace as a punishment and soon found that God was with them, even in the fiery furnace. At the Bible Circle this week, kids will learn that God is always with them, too.
If you have questions about WNC Kids Ministry, please reach out to Mark Klein.
Sunday Programming | Feb. 16
Is it a sin to complain? Yup! This week, kids will learn, like the Israelites, that we sin when we complain and do not trust God. The Israelites faced death for their sin, but when they looked to the bronze snake they were healed. The consequence for our sin is also death, but when we look to Jesus and trust in Him, we will be saved.
Cool Connection
Last week in "big church," the grown ups sang "Trust and Obey" while kids learned about trusting and obeying God. Talk with your kid about what he/she learned and compare notes.
Offering Update
The offering from Kid Ministry will go toward a new classroom for kids in Congo through our Global Partner, Global Fingerprints. Our goal is $390. We chose this number because it's $39/month to sponsor a child at the school! (Learn more about the sponsorship opportunity here.)
Sunday, Feb. 9, we collected $12.90 for a total of $81.29 received toward our goal!
Save the Date
- Easter Egging | Details coming soon!
- Kids Summer Day Camp | July 23