9th - 12th grade: Week of May 2, 2022

by Myles Hanson on May 03, 2022

Hey families! Spring is almost here! We're long overdue, but I think we'll be walking into flip-flop weather any day now.

MAY 4 | 8-8:45 PM

Wednesday night is another night of Bible study with Elyse Stenholtz. They're up in the High School Room from 8:00 - 8:45pm finishing up the book of Hebrews and pushing each other on how to grow their faith. We're excited to have your student join in!

MAY 8 | 9-10 AM

Sunday morning we're going to hear from Pastor Nate Stenholtz! He's going to be leading a discussion on how we can invest in our friends and family to reap a harvest later. This whole month is about how our students can share their faith with their friends and by investing time, prayer, service, and care for our friends, we can help our students see Jesus moving in their lives and their friends' lives. It's going to be a great discussion this Sunday morning in the High School Room!

MAY 8 | 6:30-8 PM

And Sunday night is our first chat about pop culture and worldview. I'm going to be looking at lies pop culture tells us and how we can find out what those lies are and look to the truth instead. This week is all about media and what popular media outlets are telling us whether we realize it or not. This is a great topic to ask your student about, be sure to have a conversation about this with them after Sunday!

MAY 15 | 6:30-8 PM

Our last event for the school year is on May 15th from 6:30 - 8:00pm. We'll be doing some Disc Golf out at the course next to the church. Your student doesn't need any prior experience to join the fun and I have all the supplies needed for them to borrow. Let me know if your student can make it!

JUNE 1 | 6:30-8 PM

And we're going to be celebrating both middle and high school students who have completed goals this year on June 1st out at the bonfire pit. I'm bringing s'mores, your student just needs to show up and, if they completed a goal, bring a story about what they did! We'll also be celebrating our 8th grade and senior classes as they transition into new phases of life. This is Nicole and I's last shindig with the youth group as well, we'd love to hang out with your student on this super fun night!


And that's everything for this week. Please let me know if you have any questions or just wanna chat!

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