Joining Oakwood: Membership

Sunday, May 04, 2025, 11:45 AM - 3:00 PM

Joining Oakwood: Membership

Location: Oakwood Church, 3041 Oakwood Rd., Hartland, WI US 53029

Explore what it means to be a member of Oakwood Church!

During our time together, we'll look at the distinctives of Oakwood Church and the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA, our association). We'll also explore practical commitments that Oakwood members strive to be and do as we live out Jesus' call to be disciple makers. 

Before attending, we ask that you have: 

  • Attended Oakwood regularly for at least 3 months and feel that God is calling you to make this your church home.
  • Attended Who Is Oakwood?
  • Read and completed items from our membership packet and be prepared to discuss. (Please contact Sarah Hayden to pick up a packet by April 20.)

Lunch is provided!

Childcare is available if requested by April 20.

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Email Sarah Hayden.

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