Students: Week of Nov. 11, 2024

by Caleb Garnett on November 11, 2024

Sunday Morning Programming
We will be continuing through “The Thread” series this week. Last week, we talked about how Saul was converted to become the apostle Paul. This week, we will look at his ultimate theological treatise, the Book of Romans. Paul dives deeply into the topics of salvation, grace, and more. We will only be scratching the surface this week, so I would encourage you to talk with your students at home about this powerful book. You can find a parent letter here for more information.
Wednesday Night Community
We’re continuing our series, Who Am I? which focuses on our identity in Christ. Throughout this series, students will explore who God says they are and why placing their identity and worth in Him matters. This week’s main point is that “You are a citizen of heaven."
Our main Scripture passages this week are John 14:1-3 and Hebrews 13:15-16. Just before He goes to the cross, Jesus encourages His disciples by telling them that He is going to prepare a place for them in His Father’s house. We will dive into this passage and show students that this world is not our home, and we have a permanent, heavenly home that we will live in one day. We will also dive into Hebrews and look at what it looks like for us to live as citizens of heaven. Even though we live on this earth, our allegiance belongs to God and His kingdom.
Take some time this week and talk with your student(s) about what it means for you to be a citizen of heaven. How has that changed your life, and how has it encouraged you to know that this world is not your permanent home?
Middle School Gatherings
The next Middle School gathering at the Feder’s is happening Saturday, Dec. 7, from 6:30 - 8 p.m. The date was changed in light of the Women’s Christmas Event on Dec. 6. This is a great opportunity for our Middle School students to build relationships, have fun, and ask great spiritual questions. Pizza and snacks will be provided. Find Pat and Jeanene's address in our app.
Friendsgiving is at the Penebaker’s on Nov. 15 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. We will share a meal together and reflect on all that God has done in this past year. Students can bring a side dish to pass (potatoes, stuffing, rolls), but it is not required to attend. All are welcome! You can RSVP here, so we can plan food accordingly.
Christmas Party
OSM is hosting a Christmas party for our students on Sunday, Dec. 8, from 5 to 7 p.m.! We'll have food, games, an ugly sweater contest, and a white elephant gift exchange. For the gift exchange, students are welcome to bring something from home—it doesn’t have to be new! If you prefer to purchase a gift, we ask that it be under $20 to keep things simple and fair. We’re excited to celebrate the season together and look forward to seeing your students there!

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