Kids: Week of Jan. 15, 2024

by Ashley Schmidt on January 15, 2024

Last Sunday, the preschoolers were asked if they would rather play in the snow or stay inside and watch the snow. I was surprised to hear that many of them wanted to play in the snow, but also wanted to just stay inside and look at it. I fall in the latter; I love snow and like to look at the snow from a warm cozy spot indoors. Hope you are all staying safe and enjoying God’s handiwork.

Wednesday, Jan. 10

“Hey God” continues this week in Luke 18:1-14 with parables of prayer. The main point we hope kids take away is they can talk to God in any way. After class, ask them, how the pharisees prayed in Jesus’ parable and how does Jesus tell us we should pray? (They prayed in a showy manner. Jesus tells us to make our prayers personal and they can be aloud, in our heads, even silent.) Each week during this 5-week unit, K-5th graders will draw/write in their own prayer journal. These will come home at the end of the unit.

Wednesday nights needs a few more adult volunteers – one adult to help in the gym with games and one to help in small group. Both roles are for the K-5th graders and require very, very little prep (reading through the weekly email plans to be familiar with the plan). Connect with Seth or Ashley if you feel like this would be a good fit! Let’s connect!

Sunday, Jan. 14

On Sunday, volunteers will continue in Acts 2 when Peter preached in Jerusalem. During the week, read Acts 2 and use the questions from Gospel Project below to help kids understand.

Offering Project

It is so much more than the dollars and cents. Offering is an act of worship.
All monies collected Jan. 7 – March 24 will go towards Shepherd’s College which is one of Oakwood’s Community Partners. Here is another video to hear what some of Shepherd’s students love about Shepherd's College.

Kids brought in $30 on the first week! If we reach the goal of $200 to help purchase kitchen items needed in the culinary arts program, Miss Ashley and Mr. Scott will bake chocolate chip cookies for the kids using Shepherd’s College own recipe!

Upcoming Events

Grab a bookmark of important winter dates at the Kids Min Desk or Family Life Resourse Board.


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