On Sunday, Jan. 1, Pastor Daryl challenged us to determine if the Lord had a “word” for us this year. Historically, I’ve focused on hope, joy, peace and trust. But this year the word “LISTEN” came to mind.
This word reminded me of a sermon that I heard years ago based on 1 Samuel 3. It was when Samuel was a young boy and kept being awakened by a voice. As the “word of the LORD was rare” in those days, Samuel thought Eli, the priest, was calling for him. After the third incident, Eli realized it was the LORD and counseled Samuel to respond with “speak, LORD, your servant is listening.” The personal challenge from that sermon was, “Do I expect to hear God’s voice? Do I listen well? And, as a servant, do I obey?” I’m not sure what all the LORD has in mind as I pursue a listening posture, but I know that being led by the Holy Spirit is what I need and our church needs in this time of transition.
A quote was shared with me today. “He [the devil] attempts to keep us overwhelmed with activities and concerns, and our minds so filled with things to do that it becomes very difficult for us to listen” (R. Thomas Ashbrook).
Pray with me that that we become a body of believers that listens well to the Holy Spirit and additionally listens well to others.