Global Partners
it's our calling
From our inception, Oakwood Church has been convinced that Jesus included us in His exhilarating call to His followers: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20).
We are committed to a lifestyle of spiritual influence in our own backyards, in the Lake Country, in the greater Milwaukee area, nationally and internationally. Our goal is to be known as people who are living out Jesus’ mission with authenticity and by His Spirit’s leading in our own lives … and to partner with others who are doing the same around the world. We are energized by actively participating in what God’s doing to build His Kingdom heart by heart - bringing light to darkness - making a generation of disciplemakers.
With that in mind, we are honored and blessed to support several partners around the world. Please take some time to learn more about the Oakwood-supported global partners. For more information or questions, please email .
HEATHER HALL | reachglobal
is the GlobalFingerprints Congo Coordinator serving orphans in Congo.
Tanner and vivian carus | ethnos360
joey and emily cogliano | ethnos360 bible institute
and disciple and train students at Ethnos360 Bible Institute. Ethnos360 offers Bible and cross-cultural training with the purpose of planting churches among people groups without the gospel.
don and kim gillaspie | independent
and Kim moved to Canada in 2007 to serve among a First Nations people group in British Columbia. Oakwood continues to be a community of prayer support for them.
phil and elin henderson | ethnos360
and serve the Mwinika people of Mozambique as church planters and translators. They also serve on the ministry leadership teams of Ethnos 360 around the world.
brad and katy jonswold | the navigators
Brad serves as Senior VP of Ministry Expansion for the U.S. Navigators. His responsibilities include overseas missionary sending, ministry among refugees and immigrants in the U.S., international student ministry, as well as campus, military, and city ministries. Katy is on staff leading various project teams, as well as supporting the Board of Directors.
Living Hope International
Their Christian Orphanage, Esperanza Viva Youth Home, rescues, nurtures, and rehabilitates underprivileged, orphaned, abandoned, and street children and youth whose families are unable to provide for them.
susie | ethnos360 mission
serves as a linguist, Bible translator, and church planter.
tabitha AND Joel price | wycliffe associates
Tabitha is a Bible translator with a primary focus on Asian countries. She is also the Vice President of Translation Services for Wycliffe Associates.
Paul and Jenn runnoe | cru
Paul and Jenn are working to win college students to Christ, build them up in their faith, and send them out to do their part to help fulfill the Great Commission. Their main ministry is at Marquette University.
jim and kelley sautner | Global Service Network
is the founder and director of Deaf Mentoring Project. His mission is to help launch young adult Deaf/Hard of Hearing into a life of faith, friendship, and good work. is a prayer strategist.
avi t | tents of mercy
Avi is the Congregational Leader & Humanitarian Aid Director for Tents of Mercy in Israel. The organization exists to make Yeshua (Jesus) known to His own people and reach those in need. There are also five church congregations in the Galilee area that disciple, lead and grow believers in their faith.
drew and christine van tiem | New INternational
Drew and Christine are based in Edinburgh, Scotland, and work with New International concentrating on soul care and TCK ministry.
OTHER Global outreach
Oakwood supports a couple who is leading a church-planting team in the MENA region. They are building cross-cultural relationships by tangibly ministering Christ's love among marginalized populations in their community, and sharing the good news of the gospel.
Oakwood also supports a couple in Central Asia who will be sharing the gospel with unreached and least-reached groups. They are currently in the language learning phase of their ministry.
Another couple Oakwood supports is dedicated to equipping new generations. This ministry uses a training process to make and multiply disciples through planting and reproducing churches. As God leads and directs, these grassroots leaders are going to the unreached and least-reached people groups in their countries.