Groups for Women

Wednesdays | 6:30 - 8 p.m.

Group: Women of the Bible 

Leader(s): Jen Wollner & Laurie Sawall 

Description: Throughout the Old and New Testaments, women from different social classes, nationalities, ages, and backgrounds had a profound influence in the events that unfold in Scripture. We’ll look at the stories of ten women from the Bible and discover how God’s steadfast love and constant grace are evidenced in their lives. 

Dates: Jan. 15 - March 19

Materials Needed: Bible and notebook 

2nd + 4th wednesdays | 8:30 a.m. (study time) 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. (discussion)

Group: Women of the Word

Leader(s): Sarah Duwe + Dionne Wilhelm

DescriptionWe all know it’s important to study God’s Word, but a lack of time, cumbersome methods, and past frustrations can erode our resolve. This Oakwood women’s group that will help you to develop a clear and concise plan every time you open your Bible.  

Through the process outlined in Jen Wilkin’s book Women of the Word, we will be studying the minor prophets Hosea and Jonah.

This group will encourage women who’ve studied Scripture for a short time or for many years! 

Location: Mama D's in Wales

Materials needed: study Bible, journal 

We highly suggest each woman purchase the book Women of the Word, if you don’t already own it. We will have books available for a suggested $10 donation or purchase your own here


Wednesdays 6:30 - 8 p.m. -OR- thursdays | 9 - 10:45 a.m.

Leader(s): Lexi Ellis + Carolyn Hulliberger (Wednesday), Robin Whelan (Thursday)

Target: Moms of children 18 and under 

Description: Cultivate your village with other moms! This winter and spring, we’ll be looking at God’s purpose in unexpected seasons as well as the impact and thoughtful use of technology in our families. Invite a friend!

Materials Needed: Fee of $15 covers cost for this group