Groups for Wednesday Night Community

A Night for Connection

Wednesday nights at Oakwood are for everyone. There are groups for all ages and stages of life, so that you can arrive with your family or friends but grow spiritually in a group of your peers.

Programming for kids, students, and adults returns Jan. 15, 2025. 

Kids Ministry

Ages: Pre-K - 5th Grade

Description: Each week, kids will enjoy exciting games, creative crafts, and engaging lessons from God’s Word. It’s a fun and meaningful time they won’t want to miss!

Student Ministry

Ages: 6th - 12th Grades

Description: This winter students will focus on evangelism and sharing the good news of Christ. We will be going through a series based on the “Life in Six Words” resource from Dare 2 Share Ministries. In addition to time in the Word, students will enjoy games and time spent with their peers.

Adult Groups

Treasure Principle

Leader(s): Don Cole and Bernie Fiedler

Target: Open to all 

Description: You may know that Jesus talks about money more than any other topic, but did you know that Jesus isn't against us pursuing treasures! Instead, He gives us life-transforming investment advice. Jesus tells us to store up treasures for ourselves in heaven, where they will reap eternal significance. Want to know the secrets to being a joyful giver? We'll read and study The Treasure Principle together, uncovering Jesus' teachings on a generous and impactful life.

Materials Needed: Bible, The Treasure Principle book ($5 suggested donation)

Sign up for a group

Just Among Moms 

Leader(s): Lexi Ellis & Carolyn Hulliberger 

Target: Moms of children 18 and under 

Description: Cultivate your village with other moms! This winter and spring, we’ll be looking at God’s purpose in unexpected seasons as well as the impact and thoughtful use of technology in our families. Invite a friend! 

Materials Needed: Fee of $15 covers cost for this group

Sign up for JAM