Week of May 10, 2021 for Pre-K - 5th Grade

by Becci Terrill on May 12, 2021

Jesus Forgives
(Jesus Forgives Peter—John 21)

Of the twelve disciples, Simon Peter was considered to be one of Jesus’ closest friends. An ordinary man with no special training in the Scripture (Acts 4:13), Peter was passionate and bold.

Sometimes this was good—like the time Peter boldly declared that Jesus was the Messiah (Matthew 16:16). Other times not so much—like the night before Jesus died when Peter denied that he even knew Jesus three times.

Can you imagine how Peter felt? He experienced so much in such a short time: he refused to let Jesus’ wash his feet, changed his mind and wanted Jesus to wash his entire body; proclaimed he would die for Jesus, denied Him three times; then Jesus died and now He was alive again! What would Jesus say? Would Jesus even want to see him?

Praise Jesus we are not the mistakes that we make! Early in His ministry, Jesus gave Peter a new name—rock—not because of who Peter was, but because He had the power to transform Peter!

When Jesus meets with Peter on the shore in Galilee after His resurrection, He forgives Peter and gives him a special job—shepherd His flock. This role required Peter to be faithful and constant; to be led where he did not want to go; a role that seemed contrary to Peter’s nature. Jesus didn’t see Peter’s mistakes! Jesus would transform Peter into the person He had created him to be!

Just like Peter, we are not the mistakes that we have made. Jesus forgives! He has a plan and purpose for your life and the lives of your kids. Ask God to forgive. He will! Then… “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” Romans 12:2 NLT

  • In Person - Kids - join us this Sunday morning at Oakwood at 9:00 a.m.
    • 4 year olds - 1st graders will meet in the Kids Zone (upper level)
    • 2nd - 5th graders will meet in the Gathering Place (lower level)

  • Facebook Live - Join us online starting at 8:45 a.m. here, or watch it anytime during the week on our Facebook page.


Learning Packets (complete with materials listed above) can also be made available outside of the church office. Packets should be pre-ordered by 12 p.m on Thursday. They will be available for pick up Friday morning by 8 a.m. Click here to order your packet now!    


Be encouraged with this new Galatians 2:20 phone wallpaper. Download it to your phone today! 

I’m so grateful we have Peter’s story! Like him, my mouth can get me in a lot of trouble! Jesus lovingly forgives and transforms me into the person He sees me as—His child!

Let’s rejoice in the truth that Jesus still forgives and transforms lives today!

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